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近年以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文(*为通讯作者): 1. Chen Li, Manlan Niu*, Xiucai Li, Zhen Yan, Lei Wang. 2024. Nature of early Mesoproterozoic magmatism in the Qilian-North Qaidam tectonic belt, NW China: Implications for prolonged extension processes and transition from Columbia to Rodinia, Gondwana Research. 126:322-342. 2. Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu, Qianru Cai, Guang Zhu.2024. The nature of Neoproterozoic magmatism in the northeastern Yangtze Craton: Implications for breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Precambrian Research 405 (2024) 107353 3. 陈泽雨,牛漫兰*,刘航,朱光,王磊,衡哲. 2024.安徽巢湖地区早白垩世煌斑岩的形成年代、岩石成因及其地质意义.地质科学.59(5):1412-1437 4. SHAN Jinming, NIU Manlan* , LI Xiucai, LI Chen, WANG Lei and ZHANG Shuai .2023. An Early Paleozoic Ultramafic Complex in the North Wulan Metamorphic Complex, North Qaidam: Contraints on the Nature of the Alaskan-type Continental Arc Root. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition, 97(5), 1388-1405. 5. 钱涛,牛漫兰*,李晨,吴齐,苑潇宇,李秀财,王磊. 2023. 郯庐断裂带南段早白垩世镁铁质岩墙成因及其地质意义. 地质科学,58(3):837—863. 6. Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu*, Qianru Cai, Guang Zhu,Qi Wu, Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,Chen Li. 2022. The implication of two episodic Precambrian supercontinents convergence events from enriched mantle beneath the Yangtze Block: Constraints from the Zhangbaling mafic rocks. Precambrian Research 371(2022) 106561. 7. Chen Li, Manlan Niu*, Xiucai Li, Zhen Yan, Qi Wu, Yi Sun, Xiaoyu Yuan. 2022. Origin and Precambrian paleogeography of the North Wulan terrane, northwestern China: A coherent model of the Tarim–Qilian–Quanji continent during the Columbia–Rodinia supercontinent cycle. Gondwana Research.101(2022)132-155. 8. Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu*, Qianru Cai, Guang Zhu,Qi Wu, Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,Chen Li,Tao Qian. 2022.The nature of Paleoproterozoic basement in the northern Yangtze and its geological implication. Precambrian Research,378(2022) 106761. 9. Li Chen, Niu Manlan*, Yuan Xiaoyu, Zhen Yan, Wu Qi, Li Xiucai, Sun Yi. 2022. Geochemical signals of coexisting magma mixing and fractional crystallization processes in the arc setting: Case study of Wulan intrusive suite in the NE Tibet Plateau. Lithos. 390-391:106914. 10. Yi Sun, Manlan Niu*, Zhen Yan, Richard M. Palin, Chen Li, Xiucai Li, Xiaoyu Yuan.2022. Late early Paleozoic continental collision on the northern margin of the Central Qilian Block, NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a two-stage tectono–metamorphic event. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 232 (2022) 105121. 11. Li Xiucai, Niu Manlan*, Zhen Yan, Chris Yakymchuk, Changlei Fu, Li Chen, Sun Yi, Wu Qi, Jiahao He. 2022. Early Paleozoic Continental Arc Mafic Magmatism in the North Qaidam Tectonic Belt: Implications for Subduction of the Proto-Tethyan Oceanic Lithosphere. Lithosphere. Volume 2022, Article ID 3011662, 26 pages https://doi.org/10.2113/2022/3011662. 12. Manlan Niu, Qianru Cai, Xiucai Li, Chris Yakymchuk, Qi Wu, Xiaoyu Yuan, Yi Sun.2021. Early Paleozoic tectonic transition from oceanic to continental subduction in the North Qaidam tectonic belt: constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of syncollisional magmatic rocks. Gondwana Research. 91:58-80. 13. 牛漫兰*,文凤玲,闫臻,吴齐,李秀财,孙毅,李晨. 2021. 南祁连拉脊山构造带早古生代岩浆混合作用:以马场岩体为例. 岩石学报,37(8):2364-2384. 14. Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu*, Qianru Cai, Qi Wu, Guang Zhu,Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,Chen Li. 2021. Bimodal volcanic rocks in the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Block: Response to breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Lithos. 390-391:106108 15. Qianru Cai, Manlan Niu*, Xiaoyu Yuan, Qi Wu, Guang Zhu, Yi Sun Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,Chen Li. 2021. Evidence for continental rifting from two episodes of mid-Neoproterozoic silicic magmatism in the northeastern Yangtze Block, China. Precambrian Research363(2021) 106336. 16. Niu Manlan*, Cai Qianru, Wu Qi, Yuan Xiaoyu, Sun Yi, Li Xiucai, Li Chen, Zhu Guang, Li Zhensheng, Zhang Shuai. 2020. Neoproterozoic Crustal Reworking and Growth in the Zhangbalign Uplift, Tan-Lu Fault Zone: Evidence from the Feidong Complex and Zhangbaling Group. Acta Geologica Sinica, 94(6):1921-1939. 17. Sun, Y., Niu, M L*., Li, X C., Wu, Q., Cai, Q R., Yuan, X Y. and Li, C. 2020. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications from the Ayishan Group in the South Qilian Belt, NW China. Geological Journal 55, 6860-6877. 18. Sun, Y., Niu, M L*. and Li, X C. 2020. Lajishan Ayishan Formation Rhyolites: Implications for the Closure Time of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 94, 55-56. 19. Li, X C., Niu, M L*., Cai, Q R., Wu, Q., Sun, Y., Yuan, X Y. and Li, C. 2020. Mantle Response to Slab Breakoff in the North Qaidam Tectonic Belt: Geochemical Constraints from Syn-subduction Mafic Igneous Rocks. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 94, 26-27. 20. 蔡倩茹,牛漫兰*,吴齐,苑潇宇,王婷,李秀财,孙毅. 2019. 郯庐断裂带南段张八岭群地层时代的重新厘定.地质科学,54(3):781-795. 21. 孙毅,牛漫兰*,李秀财,吴齐,蔡倩茹,苑潇宇,文凤玲,李晨. 2019. 拉脊山阿伊山群中流纹岩的形成时代、地球化学特征及其构造意义. 地质科学,54(3):1016-1030. 22. Ting Wang, Manlan Niu*, Qi Wu, Xiucai Li, Qianru Cai, Guang Zhu. 2019. Episodic bimodal magmatism at an active continental margin due to Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction: A case study from the southern segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, eastern China. Lithos, 328-329:159-181. 23. Xiucai Li, Manlan Niu*, Chris Yakymchuk, Qi Wu, Changlei Fu. 2019. A paired metamorphic belt in a subduction-to-collision orogen system: An example from the South Qilian-North Qaidam orogenic belt, NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37:479-508. 24. 牛漫兰*, 赵齐齐, 吴齐, 李秀财, 闫臻, 李继亮, 孙毅, 苑潇宇. 2018. 柴北缘果可山岩体的岩浆混合作用:来自岩相学、矿物学和地球化学证据. 岩石学报, 34(7): 1991-2016. 25. Xiucai Li, Manlan Niu*, Yakymchuk Chris, Zhen Yan, Changlei Fu, Qiqi Zhao. 2018. Anatexis of former arc magmatic rocks during oceanic subduction: A case study from the North Wulan gneiss complex. Gondwana Research, 61: 128-149. 专著:混杂岩地质调查与填图方法,地质出版社,2020. 获奖: 2024年获安徽省“优秀教育工作者”荣誉称号 2024年获安徽省高端人才引育行动项目-安徽省领军人才教学名师 2023年“郯庐断裂带多期演化及其动力学机制研究”获安徽省自然科学一等奖(排名第二) 2023年荣获国家级教学成果奖一等奖(排名第六) 2023年荣获安徽省自然科学奖一等奖(排名第二) 2022年荣获安徽省教学成果奖二等奖(排名第一) 2022年荣获安徽省(研究生)教学成果奖三等奖(排名第一) 2022年荣获合肥工业大学“立德树人奖” 2021年荣获“安徽省高校优秀党务工作者”荣誉称号 2020年荣获安徽省“课程思政”教学名师 2019年荣获安徽省教学成果二等奖(排名第一) 2019荣获合肥工业大学“优秀党务工作者”荣誉称号 2019年荣获合肥工业大学“师德先进个人”荣誉称号 2018年荣获中国区域地质调查优秀图幅展评(排名第二) |