孙 贺

























 导师:Prof. John. F. Casey

09/2008- 06/2014:


 导师:肖益林 教授

09/2004- 07/2008:















  1. 孙贺*,肖益林, 顾海欧,王洋洋,王晓霞. 2018. 北大别铙钹寨榴辉岩的多期变质与熔流体交代作用,岩石学报03412):3497-08

  2. Sun, H., Xiao Y.L., Gao Y.J., Zhang G.J., Casey J.F., Shen Y.A. 2018. Rapid enhancement of chemical weathering recorded by extremely light seawater lithium isotopes at the Permian-Triassic boundary. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,115.15: 3782-3787.

  3. Sun, H., Gao, Y.J., Xiao, Y.L., GuHai-ou., John F. Casey., 2016. Lithium isotope fractionation during incongruent melting: Constraintsfrom post-collisional leucogranite and residual enclaves from Bengbu Uplift, China. Chemical Geology, 439: 71–82

  4. Sun, H., Xiao, Y.L., Gao, Y.J., Lai, J.Q., Hou, Z.H., Wang, Y.Y., 2013. Fluid and melt inclusions in the Mesozoic Fangcheng basalt from North China Craton: implications for magma evolution and fluid/melt-peridotite reaction. Contrib Mineral Petrol, 165: 885-901

  5. 孙贺, 肖益林.2009. 流体包裹体研究:进展、地质应用及展望, 地球科学进展, 24(10), 1105-1121

  6. Gu, H. O*., Sun, H*.2021. High-precision analysis of potassium isotopes byMC-ICP-MS without collision cell using coolplasma technique in low-resolution mode. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.DOI: 10.1039/d1ja00201e

  7. Gu, H. O*., Sun, H*., Huang, C., Wang, F., & Ge, C. 2021. Application of a “Continuous‐Acquisition‐Method” to potassium isotope measurements by multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 35(13), e9105.

  8. Huang, C., Gu, H. O*., Sun, H*., Wang, F., & Chen, B. 2021. High-precision determination of stable potassium and magnesium isotopes utilizing single column separation and multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 106232.

  9. Wang, Y. Y., Xiao, Y., Sun, H., Tong, F., Gu, H. O., & Lu, Y. 2021. Lithium isotope composition of the Carboniferous seawater: Implications for initiating and maintaining the late Paleozoic ice age. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 222, 104977.

  10. Tong, F., Xiao, Y., Sun, H., Wang, Y., Wan, H., Gou, L. F., ... & Hou, Z. 2021. Lithium isotopic features of Quaternary basaltic saprolite, Zhanjiang, China: Atmospheric input and clay-mineral adsorption. Science of The Total Environment, 785, 147235.

  11. Chen, Y., Chen, B., Duan, X., & Sun, H. 2021. Origin of highly fractionated peraluminous granites in South China: Implications for crustal anatexis and evolution. Lithos, 106145.

  12. Wang, F., Guo, Y., Yan, H., Gu, H., Sun, H., & Ge, C. 2021. Geochronology and geochemistry of the W-Mo-ore-related granitic rocks from eastern Ningzhen, lower Yangtze river belt, eastern China. Acta Geochimica, 1-19.

  13. Ge, C., Huo, J., Gu, H. O., Wang, F., Sun, H., Li, X., ... & Yuan, F. 2021. Tectonic discrimination and application based on convolution neural network and incomplete big data. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 220, 106662.

  14. He, M. Y., Dong, J. B., Jin, Z., Liu, C. Y., Xiao, J., Zhang, F., Sun, H., ... & Deng, L. 2021. Pedogenic processes in loess-paleosol sediments: Clues from Li isotopes of leachate in Luochuan loess. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 299, 151-162.

  15. Li, W., Ge, C., Wang, F., Sun, H., & Gu, H. 2021. The spatial distribution characteristics of Nb–Ta of mafic rocks in subduction zones. Open Geosciences, 13(1), 390-400.

  16. Lu, Y., Xiao, Y., Nadeau, O., Yang, X., Wang, Y., Hou, Z., Sun, H., ... & Bute, S. I. 2021. Inherited source affinity of Li and Hf isotopes for porphyry copper deposits from subduction and collisional settings. Ore Geology Reviews, 104328.

  17.  汪方跃,张文奇,段留安,吴杰,葛粲,孙贺,顾海欧,沈睿文. 2021. 东秦岭地区一种富稀土热液型钡解石的发现及其意义.岩石矿物学杂志,40(2), 337-346

  18. Liu, H., Xiao, Y., Sun, H., Tong, F., Heuser, A., Churikova, T., & Wörner, G. 2020. Trace elements and Li isotope compositions across the Kamchatka arc: Constraints on slab‐derived fluid sources. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(5), e2019JB019237.

  19. Wan H, Xiao Y, Sun H, et al. 2020.The lithium isotopic composition and geochemical implication of ultrahigh-pressure marbles from the Dabie–Sulu orogen, China[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: 104376.

  20. Tan D B, Xiao Y, Sun H, et al. 2020. Lithium isotopic compositions of post-collisional mafic–ultramafic rocks from Dabieshan, China: Implications for recycling of deeply subducted continental crust[J]. Lithos, 352: 105327.

  21. Wang X, Xiao Y, Sun H, et al. 2020. Initiation of the North China Craton destruction: Constraints from the diamond-bearing alkaline basalts from Lan'gan, China[J]. Gondwana Research, 80: 228-243.

  22. Yan H, Wang F, Gu H O, Sun H, et al. 2020. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopic Characteristics of Muchen Pluton in Southeast China, Constrain the Petrogenesis of Alkaline A-Type Magma[J]. Minerals, 10(1): 80

  23. Ge, C., Huo, J., Gu, H.., Wang, F., Sun, H., Li, X., Li, W. and Yuan, F. 2020. Tectonic discrimination and application based on convolution neural network and incomplete big data. J Geochem Explor, 220, 106662.

  24.  葛粲, 张旗, 李修钰, 孙贺,顾海欧, 李伟伟,袁峰. 2019. 一维到三维密度分布函数及其可视化在大数据分析中的应用——以苦橄质玄武岩等为例. 地质通报, 38(12), 2043-2052.

  25. Liu HY, Sun, H., Xiao, Y.L,, Wang, Y., Zeng L.S., Li W.Y., Guo H.H., Yu H.M., Pack A. 2019. Lithium isotope systematics of the Sumdo Eclogite, Tibet: tracing fluid/rock interaction of subducted Low-T altered oceanic crust, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 385–405

  26. GuHai-Ou, Sun, H., Wang F, et al. 2019. A new practical isobaric interference correction model for in-situ Hf isotopic analysis using laser ablation-multi-collector-ICP-mass spectrometry of zircons with high Yb/Hf ratios. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

  27. Tian Y, Xiao Y, Chen Y X, Sun, H, et al. Serpentinite-derived low δ7Li fluids in continental subduction zones: Constraints from the fluid metasomatic rocks (whiteschist) from the Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps[J]. Lithos, 2019, 348: 105177.

  28. Gou L.F., Jin Z.D., Galy A, Sun, H., Deng L, Xu Y. 2019. Effects of cone combinations on accurate and precise Mg isotopic determination using MC-ICP-MS, Rapid Communications to Mass Spectrometry, 33(4): 351-360.

  29. Duan X, Zhang H, Santosh M, Tian Hengci, Sun, H., et al. The transformation of the lithospheric mantle beneath South China Block (SCB): constraints from petrological and geochemical studies of Daoxian and Ningyuan basalts and their melt inclusions[J]. International Geology Review, 2019: 1-24.

  30.  李修钰,孙贺,顾海欧,汪方跃,葛粲. 2019. 地壳厚度与火山岩地球化学指标相关关系,安徽地质,291):182-185

  31. Wan, H.Q., Sun, H., Liu, H.Y., Xiao, Y.L.,2017. Lithium Isotopic Geochemistry in Subduction Zones: Retrospects and Prospects, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 91(2): 688-710.

  32. Guo, H.H, Xiao, Y.L, Xu, L.J, Sun, H., Huang, J., Hou, Z.H., 2017. Origin of allanite in gneiss and granite in the Dabie orogenic belt, Central East China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 135, 243-256.

  33. Wang, Y., van den Kerkhof, A., Xiao, Y., Sun, H., Yang, X.Y., Lai, J.Q.,Wang, Y.G., 2017. Geochemistry and fluid inclusions of scheelite-mineralized granodiorite porphyries from southern Anhui Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews.

  34.  苟龙飞, 邓丽, 孙贺, 于慧敏,张飞. 2017. 高效分离Li及其同位素的MC-ICP-MS精确测定,地球化学, 46(6), 528-537.

  35.  万红琼, 孙贺,刘海洋,肖益林.2015. 俯冲带Li同位素地球化学:回顾与展望,地学前缘, (05): 29-43

  36. Xiao, Y.L., Sun, H.,Gu, H-O., Huang, J., Li, W.Y., Liu, L., 2015. Fluid/melt in continental deep subduction zones: Compositions and related geochemical fractionation, Science China-Earth Sciences, 58(9): 1457-1476

  37.  肖益林,孙贺, 顾海欧,黄建,李王晔,刘磊. 2015. 大陆深俯冲过程中的熔/流体成分与地球化学分异,中国科学:地球科学, (08): 1063-1087

  38. Duan, X.Z., Sun, H., Yang, W., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y.L., Hou, Z.H., & Shi, H., 2014. Melt–peridotite interaction in the shallow lithospheric mantle of the North China Craton: evidence from melt inclusions in the quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite from Hannuoba. International Geology Review, 56: 448-472


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